Living in the middle of the domino effect.

The domino effect. You’re familiar with it, right? Set up a domino on its side, then another, and continue on until you have a long line of standing dominos. All it takes is a single tip of one domino to set the others in motion, whether you’re ready for it or not. 

The domino effect also states that when you make a change to one behavior, it will activate a chain reaction and cause a shift in related behaviors as well.

Here are Mothers Advocacy Project, we feel like we are always living right in the middle of the domino effect. You see, many of our moms arrive at our door with many tiles of life laying flat on the ground. Through harsh life experiences, that often began at a very young age, the milestones of stability have been knocked down. But, I am often asked the question “why did this particular event effect one person so catastrophically and another seemly neutral?” What is most fascinating to me is the fact that it isn’t the traumatic event itself that causes the most damage (while it does of course cause some), but the long lasting effects are because these people are alone with the trauma. They do not have the proper protective factors and social support in place to deal with it. And therefore, life continues and more hard things happen and the dominos continue to fall. 

“However, there is so much hope! While you cannot stand the dominos back up, you can put a stop to the cycle by creating space to heal. And you can begin to stand new elements of stability. And piece by piece the fallen dominos become further in the distance and your line of standing accomplishments becomes longer and more natural.”

Creating the space to heal, is something that our moms must have the bravery to do. But, the healing itself can only happen in community and through relationships. You see, trauma happened because of the lack of healthy relationships, so it is only natural that it can only be healed through the introduction of healthy relationships. And then reteaching these moms how to start and maintain healthy relationships themselves. 

This year, we’re wrapping up the MAP year with The Domino Fund, in hopes to create a wave of positive momentum for our moms through single donations. Single donations, that will add up to a long line of support for our families. Our goal is $120,000 to be used for what was described above.

For moms to be able to come into healthy relationships with our staff and each other, in order to heal from their trauma, and then begin to learn how to have healthy relationships with their children. 

With your generosity, we will continue in our mission to advocate for healthy families, one mom at a time!


When the building blocks are missing.


Introducing the Domino Fund